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Satisfied customers are our best marketing strategy. And we make sure our customers stay happy by providing them with the the BEST RAZOR at the BEST PRICE and the BEST SHAVING EXPERIENCE!
Read what some of our customers have to say about their shaving experience using Razor Blades New Zealand 5-blade razors.
Love the new blades, nice close smooth shave and those 5 blades do a great job! It’s my blade of choice now.
Hi guys
Received my razor today & dealt to about a weeks growth! Fantastic product that easily rivals more expensive brands! Will definitely be back for more as the price in supermarkets is far too brutal! Good work sourcing them!
I have been shaving for over 60 years, I shave 6 times a week and lather well. I have been using your product for a month now and am still using my first blade. I would thoroughly recommend your razor and blades to anyone wanting to try them and “the price is right”
Barry Lee
closest shave of any razor I’ve ever had
“I’ve been blade shaving for almost fifty years. In that time, I’ve tried just about every razor and blade available – topline to discount. Three weeks ago, I bought a Razor5+1 five-blade razor online. I’m still using the same blade, and everyday it’s providing the closest shave of any razor I’ve ever had. But, the greatest advantage of the razor is that at $10 and with three cartridges included with the razor & the same price for a pack of 4 replacement cartridges , it costs less than half the price of the top brand razors. No longer am I even tempted to shoplift blades – the Razor5+1’s price makes it a steal in itself.” Ken S
better than, most of the top brands
“A comfortable, close shave is all I’m after and the Razor5+1 shaver delivers on all counts. The ergonomically designed grip along with the 5 blades makes shaving easier and less of a chore. I can’t believe I can pay less than $10 for a shaving system that is equal to, or even better than, most of the top brands.” Gordon P
experience exceeded my expectations
Hi Mike, I received the razor yesterday and tried it out today for the first time. After decades of using only Gillette razors the transition went very smoothly! I like the grip of the handle – the angles were good and I had a very smooth shave. The overall experience exceeded my expectations and I will be recommending to my friends. Thanks again. Chris
what a good deal you offer
The razorblades arrived last week, and on first useage I must say what a good deal you offer. Thanks for sourcing a great product and thanks for your excellent service. Cheers Steve